Saturday, January 23, 2010


Just looking through some of my old pictures of plants I grew from seed. I think I have become more advance in the growing and picture taking...I'm chuckling right now. These are Plants I grew from seeds years ago. With a 'not so good' camera. Posting them here helps me reach towards bigger, more difficult propagation. I love the challange!

Lupine "Russell"

Never knew the species or why it grew 2 colors on one plant. But maybe one day I will resurrect this one. I'm sure yall have read I NEVER throw seeds away. And still have seeds I picked from this plant.


I waited 1 year for this Coreopsis to Bloom from seed. Which is normal for this perennial type. Also in this picture is: Silene dioica 'Clifford Moor'. I didn't grow that one from seed. And if I'm not mistaken it doesn't produce seed that I know of.

Maltese Cross

I have now acquired every color this plant produces. Back then I thought Red was amazing! LOL

Growing from seed takes patience but is very rewarding. In my opinion the plant is healthier and more beautiful. Here is a Sea Holly (Eryngium planum) grown from seed. Also in this picture is Brugmansia. Which I propagated from a 4 inch cutting. It grew 4 feet tall very fast within a couple of months. And as far as Sea Holly...once again, I've collected many different species since then. But I am still holding on to seeds from this plant.


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