Friday, March 26, 2010

Erythronium sibiricum subsp.altaicum

It's Cold today and doesn't feel much like Spring. Although this plant was my second bloom and makes me look forward to the other beauties to come.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Bloom of the Year

Today gave me hope of the Spring season to come. This is the first plant to bloom outside today. 

Tulipa turkestanica

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Never Say Never

In November I moved into a new house and had to move hundreds of plants. Digging potting..Thought I would loose my mind. Dirt everywhere, in the truck, back of my van..I had plants everywhere. I did the unthinkable for some gardeners. I left every single last one of my plants outside. Tropicals, Annuals, Tender perennials. I figured ONLY the STRONG would Survive! ha ha. I have more then enough seeds then I could ever sow in a lifetime. So I figured if they all die I'll start over...more plants for me! Low and behold I took a walk outside today. Every plant I was told was an annual is coming up. We just recovered from 3 feet of snow. And here I have in this picture a double flowering Portulaca. It does not look it's best but I do not think this plant is dead by any means. In September they were just a few cuttings. I received from a dear friend and rooted them outside in this pot. 3 weeks ago it had 3 feet of snow on top of it. Now if I'm not mistaken..I thought Portulaca was an annual? I now have a new belief and new faith. I have always been inclined that some plants can be acclimated to a growing zone. Now I know for sure I will continue to put every plant to the test.